Guild War Basics
Guild war is a simple enough guild event to grasp.
It is a twelve hour event that runs from Monday to Saturday. A guild master or their generals have fifteen signets they can hand out to their best players, some guilds may switch teams daily if they have a full guild of thirty good players.
Those fifteen players who get a signet for the guild war each have 2 attacks they must do in order to score points for the guild. Guild leaders or their generals can also assign attacks to the players taking part in the guild war, it's strongly advised if you are given a target, even if you do not like it, to do your assigned attacks, you are not usually assigned them at random, you maybe the only one able to take on that opponent or you might be to weak for another and they assign it to a stronger player, so if you are assigned attacks don't steal the attacks of others or it could mess up a guild strategy for victory, or don't be someone who messes things up by refusing to do your attacks there by blocking other players from doing their part.
Parts of the map are locked by buildings such as the bridge or gates, and players have to wait on the players to take these parts down in order for them to attack other buildings. So Guild war is very much a Team event and when one person messes things up they let a whole team down and may even find themselves in a hot boiling pot of angry team mates or even needing a new guild depending on how the guild you are in reacts.
This might be the shocking part, But the aim of guild war is not always to win your match, but to score as many points as you can to hold or increase your ranking in your leagues.
there are 4 leagues
Qualifying League
Bronze League
Silver League
Gold League
Within each League there are ranks, and only the top four in each league will match up with another guild from a higher league to fight for league progression. This progression battle tends to take place on a Saturday and will be the top four of the lower league against the bottom four of the higher league. In these Guild matches you are not only aiming to score the maximum number of points but you are also aiming to win that match in order to progress. If it ends in a tie then usually the challenging guild well remain in the lower Leagues.
For guild war I often find that you need 2 good teams of titans and hero's. reason for this, you need to work out which teams are good for defence, and use those for the defending team, and a second team who is good at offence who are good for attacking your opponent. Use guild battle a tab on your chats to test out your teams with other guild mates, this will help you to identify which teams are good at what. Research team synergy as well, some hero's work better in combination with other hero's.
The only annoying part is you have to remember to go and refresh your defending team when ever you make a change to a hero or titan that is part of your defence team, as for some unknown reason they remain reading the same power and skills was when you first joined guild war.
Gold League battle placements seem to be done randomly between those in the Gold league each day. Same with the Qualifying league, with exception of of those who end in set points on the end of Friday where they then get matched up in progression mantes.
How Progression match works
​On Saturday the lower leagues face off against higher leagues for league progression.
If the Guild from the lower league wins the match they will start the following week at the bottom of the higher league. If they Lose or it is a draw / tie the lower league guild remains within their lower league. What rank they will hold will depend on how many points they score. your final place within your league is shown on the Sunday, this then lets you find out who you will be against for the week to come.
Saturday Progression matches
Based on the rank your guild holds in the league you are in at the end of Friday's match.
Qualifying -> Bronze
1st vs 30th
2nd vs 29th
3rd vs 28th
4th vs 27th
5th vs 26th
6th vs 25th
Bronze -> Silver
1st vs 10th
2nd vs 9th
3rd vs 8th
4th vs 7th
Silver -> Gold
1st vs 6th
2nd vs 5th
3rd vs 4th
Click on images to enlarge them to view full image.
Where to find guild war.
Guild war is fund in the Guild tab on the bottom right, you click on that to take you into the guild "world" here you will find a floating island with the name Guild war, as shown in this image with a red square.

What your assigned attacks look like
This is the list of players holding a point. as you can see here there is a red dot showing the assigned attack, click on "attack" with the red dot to attack this assigned player

Your Guild war Defence teams
When you first click on the guild war tab to go and attack in guild war, you will see your defence teams located at the top. These are the teams you must insure are updated every time you upgrade a hero or titan in this team or wish to add a new better titan or hero, or change your teams because you have found a better team group. To do that just press on the little green icon next to the teams to update them.

Guild signets
Guild signets can only be given to 15 players out of a 30 member guild, so a guild has to choose their 15 best players, or switch them around to give everyone a chance to play the guild war. you have to be a high rank office (general) or the guild leader to give this signets. Its better to let the guild leader and one chosen general to do this task to avoid arguments and stepping on each other's toes.
There are 3 simple steps to giving players signets as is shown in the image below. you first have to go to your guild war tab, where you have to press on "plan for tomorrows defence", once in your home ground screen you will see in the top right "allocate signets" click on that and it takes you to a check screen, where you can look over players to pick out your best 15 players.

How to check who is doing their guild war attacks Part 1
we have three main ways to keep an eye on who is doing their guild war attacks. The first is the guild activity log. we can check who is not doing their attacks to the list of player names we post up on who's doing guild war. the image is of that activity log. to find that easily press on gifts on the bottom bar on your screen press select on the guild master presents, this will take you to the guild activity log where you can view different activates within the guild.

How to check who is doing their guild war attacks Part 3
​The third way to check who is, and who is not doing their guild war attacks and if they are really trying or just throwing the battle with intent to loose is to check the logs post battle in the guild war area to do this just click on log, then More, and then look at the attack log and look to see if 30 attacks took place, and then look to see who is missing from the 15 names for the guild war team. and here you can also view the info and playbacks of the battles. this also helps a guild to work out where they have a weak point and try to help a player grow, unless they are a player who's only in a guild to deliberately sabotage the event to make a guild loose deliberately.

What your assigned attacks look like
The red dot is to signal that you are needed to attack that point. you click on the location and it takes you to a list of players holding that position.

How the guild war paths work
(Image Credit do the guild war wiki and it's contributors Guild War | Hero Wars Wiki | Fandom )
Here we have an image from the fan wiki, of how he paths within guild war work. you have to unlock the blocked path by attacking players who hold locations such as the bridge and one of gates to unlock access to guild holds behind.
Take down the bridge to gain access to Spring of elements, foundry Bastion of Ice, Gates of Nature, Bastion of fire.
then you have to down one of the gates to gain access to the citadel.
If you manage to take out all the players holding locations you get extra points known as capture bonus.

Bronze league weekly
guild war match line up
(Image Credit do the guild war wiki and it's contributors Guild War | Hero Wars Wiki | Fandom )
Monday to Friday line up
M = Monday
TU = Tuesday
W = Wednesday
Th = Thursday
F = Friday

Silver league weekly
guild war match line up
(Image Credit to the guild war wiki and it's contributors Guild War | Hero Wars Wiki | Fandom )
Monday to Friday line up
M = Monday
TU = Tuesday
W = Wednesday
Th = Thursday
F = Friday

How to check who is doing their guild war attacks Part 2
The second way to check guild war activity is directly in the attack log during the time the battle is taking place, this gets checked on and off during the duration of the guild war to see if anyone needs remidning in the guild chat that they still have their guild war attacks to do. sometimes you may even get a PM from a General or the guild leader to remind you.