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Where to find your Guild stuff

Everything Guild related can be found under the guild tab, Guild war, pet Adventures, Asgard Guild raid, and all the other little bits relating to guild activates and titans are found under this tab.

Guild stuff.jpg

Where do I find the community gifts?

So you have probably noticed by now people talk about community gifts and wonder where they come from? Well they come from the News tab, there is often (but not always) 2 to 3 gifts a day sometimes only 1 gift. it's important to remember they are gifts given to the players at nexters kind discursions.
The news tab also lets you know about all kinds of important updates or helpful things, it usually displays a little red dot when there is something new, but sometimes it misfires and dosn't give a dot at all, so it is always wise to check on it regularly. As to where you find the news tab will depend on how big you have your browser set, the left image is full screen the right hand is small. (click on image to see full image)

where to find news.jpg

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Where to find Pet Adventures

Pet Adventures can be accessed one of two ways. one in the guild area under the tab named Sanctuary, or two the little blue portal icon above the guild or city tab.

pet adventure tabs.png

Project Name

This is your Project description. Provide a brief summary to help visitors understand the context and background of your work. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start.


Project Name

This is your Project description. A brief summary can help visitors understand the context of your work. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start.


Hero wars basics for new players

Images relating to heros wars are subject to © by NEXTERS - Hero wars.
All images/ themes /music tied to hero wars come from the Fan site kit provided and owned by NEXTERS. So please see 
Hero Wars Fan Kit for more information. 

While the website lists when it's their official links,  NEXTERS are not responsible for this. This is purely a fan of the game trying to show you where to go and hope that you also become a fellow fan of the Nexters game or to link you in with the network or to share useful information. (We aim to try to give credit as to where the info is from in small print with link directly to location) In terms of guides links those will link you directly to the persons who have made the guides under the guide tab, We will also be aiming to make our Own guides over time with aim to translate them in to translate languages to reach more Hero wars fans around the world (sadly we are using google translate to accomplish this, so context may become mixed up. )


The content is not affiliated with NEXTERS, is not supported, is not sponsored or approved by it , and NEXTERS is not responsible for it. This is a fan site built by a fan of the game, no money is made by the parties using this site, it's intended for guild communication and other game fan non commercial activates, while trying to aim to be in the perimeters of their permitted use.


Please note I can not choose or edit the domain name while using the free version of Wix, I currently do not have the funds to upgrade my plan that would give me the ability to make a custom name. So any inconvenience or upset the domain link creates, please know I offer my apologies for as no ill intent or confusion is intended, it is simply I don't have a lot of money, so the commodity of paying for a fan site's domain name is not something I can currently afford, and nor am I asking anyone to fund it.

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