Guild frequently asked questions
Here I've listed a few frequently asked questions we get asked. (I will add and edit this post as required) but basically here I aim to put the most commonly asked questions we get from folks.
Question 1: What does it take for me to be allowed to join Guild war?
Answer 1: We have a minimum power level for titan and hero teams so that you stand a small chance against enemies we face. at the moment that stands at: (and it is subject to change as other guilds do not stop growing)
Hero's: 300k
Titans: 300k
If you can get higher then this then please do so. this is only the minimum level, but we want to be seeing teams that well exceed this.
Question 2: How do we get promoted in this guild?
Answer 2: by show of hard work and loyalty to the guild. We keep an eye on how much effort you put into helping the guild grow (including helping other players to grow as well) what team work you put in and are you reliable in events. Then when the guild leader gets 2 or more recommendations from her co-leaders she will consider your promotion. Sometimes the guild leader herself will ask her co-leaders what they think if she's got her eye on someone as she likes to try to work a round table system. (people who beg to be promoted are more likely to be kept as basic member as we have had in the past issues with people getting promoted with aim to kick everyone out of the guild.)
Question 3: What do I do if I think someone is deliberately messing up my pet adventure?
Answer 3: (first of all go to guild rules and see rule 1)
Then PM the guild leader, she will in turn PM the offending member, asking them to explain what is going on. she likes to give a first offence benefit of the doubt as internet connections or not understanding the pet adventure system can sometimes be to blame. But if someone does it more then once, some players have what they call a pet adventure blacklist, where they will not do pet adventures with players on their personal lists. Repeat offenders will find themselves out of the guild as explained in the guild rules.
Try to make sure everyone knows their path, you can do this by telling them which map you are on so they can find it here, and then hopefully you will get all 3 chests and the boss chest.
Question 4: Why do I have to privet message guild leader if I'm going away, surely that's my business?
Answer 4: This is a multiple layered answer as there are a number of reasons for it. first of all the guild leader does not ask you to give reasons unless you wish to do so. all that is asked for is the when and how long your going to be away. (as again explained in the guild rules)
As for the reasons why this communication is needed;
* The guild leader needs to know who's away and for how long. it's so that while you are away you are removed from Guild war so someone who is online can do the attacks.
* So the guild leader can turn the auto remove feature off, this is an in game feature that automatically removes inactive players after a set time, she needs to turn that off for the time you are away.
* so your name can be added to a list of away players (with the when's and how longs) so that offices and co-leaders do not remove you for your time of being away.
The guild leader fully understands that real life must come first, or that people sometimes need a brake from a game. so all she's really asking is communicate with her so she can cut you the slack you need. she wants to support you so you can continue to grow and have fun, but also balance your real life well with it.
Question 5: Do you do guild mergers?
Answer 5: Depends on the context.
*If you mean would we merge out into another guild? No
*Would we allow a guild who have few active players to merge into us? Yes if we have the space. (but do not expect to be instantly an officer or general, everyone is expected to earn it to keep things fair.)
Question 6: What do I do if someone is asking me personal questions?
Answer 6: Tell them to stop. Online is not a safe place and many fraudsters and predators of all kinds seek to get your personal info with aim of making you their next victim. If they continue to keep asking you personal questions reach out to the guild leader and let her know. if you want to support it with a screen shot then by all means do so. Our guild leader is very anti fraudster and anti sexual predator. She seeks to look after the team, and considers us all to be a member of a big gaming family who she wants to see grow and have fun while being safe. If you think the person is a sexual predator or a fraudster the guild leader also encourages you to reach out to the game CS team with your proof as well. as they to wish to keep the game safe for all it's userbase.
Question 7: Do I have to be a spender to join your guild or be one of your guild officers?
Answer 7: NO. Our guild leader is fairly clear on this. she does not expect people to spend in any game.
Sure we do have spenders and a few of them carry the heaviest Wight holding the team up. but no one is expected or required to spend to be in our guild. Sure spenders do grow faster due to access to resources they have payed for from the game (and thus as a result end up with the harder roles in guild war), But all that is truly asked of you is that you put some decent effort into growing your hero's and titans. literally just play the game and do your daily missions and thus grow as a result of this effort.
Question 8: Do you have a Discord? / where can I find your discord channel?
Answer 8:
*yes we do
*you can find it here discord.gg/dNNGnrpsaq
Question 9: Do I have to join the forum and / or Discord?
Answer 9:
*No, but you might find its useful to do so as you can leave messages and chat more easily from different time zones.
*Officers will find it easier to join the discord and the forum as it will grant them access to an officers chat we are currently lacking in the game where we can discus staff related things instead of spamming each other one at a time with PMs
*The forum at least is not an app so if you are using your phone to access the game and you have limited storage for apps then the forum gives you that communication access with out the need to download anything.
Question 10: Do I have to be part of the guild to join your forum?
Answer 10: No, we have a public area and a members area, I will give members access to members only area's by giving them roles that allow them access to these areas. Anywhere with (public) against the forum is accessible by non guild members. however you will still need to make an account on the forum it's just how the site does things.
Question 11: Why have I been removed from guild war?
Answer 11: This might be for 3 reasons.
1: we have switched you around with a stronger player
2: you didn't make your attacks on more then 1 occasion and you've been replaced due to being unreliable. (continued repeat offences with out good reason could see you removed from the guild for messing up team work)
3: Because you've told me you are away, so you will be replaced with an active player for that time frame.
Question 12: do you kick players for being weak?
Answer 12: Generally No not for being a weak player, we will try to help you grow and understand the game, but you must communicate with us and ask questions.
So be Warned, if you continue to show lack of growth after a while then yes you may find yourself out of the guild and in the worst case even blacklisted form the guild, as if you have failed to communicate with us we are likely to see you as a space blocker and remove you for an active player who wants in.
So make use of the guild chat. ask what you think might be stupid questions. we don't care if your a newbie or someone who's trying to get their mind around the game system because it's different from the mobile app. Just ask we are all here to help each other have fun and grow.
Question 13: Why do I have to get a name to be in your guild?
Answer 13: Because we want to know you are taking the game at least a little seriously. someone named Team#123456789 is more likely to be removed to allow an active player with a name join the guild. Simply because we don't know if you are a Bot, someone who makes a lot of accounts to block guilds from growing, or someone that is planning to quit in the next day or so.
So by getting a name you are showing us you are at least taking the game seriously enough to play it. If you don't know how just ask in guild chat. or PM me the guild leader or an officer, we are happy to assist you if we can
Question 14: Do I have to be English to join the guild?
Answer 14: NO!
But it helps to be English speaking so we can all communicate with each other, but at the end of the day I'm looking for active players who want to have fun together, where you come from on this planet dosn't bother me other then time zone as that may effect some events such as guild war which is a timed daily event. So Use We chat, or google translate to translate things if you are not very good at English. this said you can always use google translate. where you can copy paste to translate what people are saying. Or you can get the extension for your internet browser, if you join out discord we also have Smoogle translator which will require you to type in a command to get it to translate what you sate to English but this way you can then ask English speakers to get it to translate to your language as well.
Question 15: Why do some words get changed to strange words forum?
Answer 15: Because they have been Censored, a few bad and cuss / swear words have been changed into a language known as Mando'a, the Sci-fi language of the True Mandalorian's in a move/comic/animation pre-Disney universe of Starwars, so you may find for example Stupid becomes Di'kutla, I've literally switch them out for words in Mando'a.
Question 16: What are your guild ranks?
Answer 16: I've named them following king Arthur and the knights of the round table theme. so here are the guild rank names and = what their default names where the game.
Guild leader = Guild master
Knights of the round = Generals
Knight-Errant = Officer
Squires = Members.
Question 17: What happened to your news and Blog?
Answer 17: I Sadly just do not have the time to manage it anymore, my work life has become crazy meaning i don't have eight hours regularly that I need to type it up, and then sit translating it.
I put a lot of work into the guild, and yes sometimes I feel like it's for nothing when it's met with apathy from some players. However still I get one or two who say they are finding it helpful due to the wiki not being multi lingo, something I've been aiming to do, So for that alone I will be continuing to maintain and updating the site, I just wont be bothering with the blog.
Question 18: Can we suggest things for the site?
Answer 18: Yes, I welcome constructive feedback and helpful idea's. I'm often asking members of my guild to just direct message me in game. If you are not in our guild in game then you can use our discord or Forum to contact me with your idea's.
Yes I'm aware of my typos and spelling mistakes and I welcome friendly pointers to them. But remember English has different spellings between British/English-English and American-English. (just to make life confusing for us all) If you have not noticed by now, My spelling is Dyslexic British/English-English. (yes I am Dyslexic).
Question 19: how come some days when I come to the site I find my language missing?
Answer 19: This is Usually because the translator has broken, Or because I'm doing a big site overhaul to measure it all gets translated. Both are short term issues. If I'm doing an overhaul it might be for a day or two while i try to find my typos, If it's the translator being glitchy it tends to fix it's self after an hour or so. (my best guess is it gets glitchy when wix or google are updating it)