Pet Adventure Basics

Pet Adventure's seem daunting when you first start them but you will soon realise that the key to success is Communication and team work. The first four maps are rather obvious in their paths, with maps Five to Twelve becoming really complicated. But once you learn the paths of even the most complicated maps they are all relatively easy to follow. The only problems you may find are your hero teams, or players who are just to lazy to be team players and refuse to listen or communicate.
The Dynamics of Pet adventures are in fact really simple.
You have a limited number of pet portal charges a day, This is mostly one per day, however you can get more than one a day by not doing pet adventure for two days, this will give you a maximum idle allotment of three portal charges. Or you can check the in game news tab, usually located in the top left or at the bottom of your game window depending on how big you have your web browser, in this tab are daily free gifts often granted to us by the hero wars team themselves, as well as other helpful news and info, so remember to regularly check that tab when you are in game.
In the pet adventure maps themselves, each player has an action point limit in each map, (top left of screen you will see your icon, under it will be how many action points you have for that map), This means you have only so many actions you can do to make your way to the boss, sometimes you will find you fail and run out of actions points and be unable to fully complete the map. So remember, The aim of Pet Adventures is to get all four chests, not try to get to the Boss via the quickest path. So to that aim you have to work together with your other Guildmates to win all four reward Chests, which will give you the chance to raid the completed the same map again later when you start again. Raid is a lazy persons means of collecting everything from that map with out having to do the map again. But it is limited to one in game day, meaning what ever time the game server resets for the next day's tasks, is how long you will have that option to raid, the next game day you will have to replay the pet adventure.
The chests themselves drop items for you to level up your pets, which you need in other areas of the game to increase your success rates in other missions as your pets use powers that help and support your hero team.
Each Pet adventure map has a spot for up to three players, and each player needs to take one path each and stick to it in order to get the four chests at the end. Some maps are easier then others. As you will see. And there are alternative paths that can be taken sometimes to fix a map, but this means one player will have to sacrifice action points to clear another players failed attempts or try to fix a mess made by another player who is going out of their way to be a non team player and prevent a guild from growing.
If you find yourself stuck in a failed map where that one player is messing things up for the others or a player that goes off line for days at a time leaving other players stuck in the map, Have no fear, look for the button named "log", click on this and you will find another button that gives you the option to leave.
Help someone just finished the boss even when we asked them not to, now I have to end the adventure.
Does this sound like you? Sadly there is always that one player who just refuses to work as a team and make life miserable for everyone else. Well fear not. Just do not click on that "End Adventure" button instead look for the little X Icon located on the top right of that little box, and use the X icon located up in the top right of the window to leave the map to do other game things. this will keep your pet adventure open giving you and the other player a chance to finish your paths.
You can also set your game to privet, this is a small tick box that pops up when you first enter the game, if you tick privet you can invite guild mates you know will play as a team, there by stopping people from just randomly joining your adventure and messing it up.